I am a curious and restless person who has spent all of my time and energy searching and finding ways to help other people, especially the most sensitive and vulnerable.
My working method combines the 3 key axes of spirituality: occultism, rituals and religions which are mostly unknown except for people whose curiosity and willingness to learn from others is unmatched.
As a good Aquarius, my restless soul has led me to experience with the natural world, Bach flowers, Schüssler salts, diet and nutrition, lymphatic drainage, reflexology, and chiromassage.
Thanks to my innate gift and after studying and adding different disciplines and knowledge I have created the Maga Beth method to solve any trauma or situation that prevents people from moving forward.
Throughout this exciting journey I have participated in several radio programs and fairs, I have given talks and conferences, as well as courses on everything related to the unknown and the enigmatic. In addition, I have also taken part in the first Mediums Congress held in Spain.
I am currently training in various fields and disseminating my knowledge both the acquired through my formative learning and the inherited, in which my grandmother and my great grandmother introduced me to the world of High Magic with a special predilection for Esotericism.
To date I have published 7 books in different languages and new projects will soon come to light. Therefore, I have decided to create Maga Beth School so that people can learn the occult sciences combining rituals and different religions trying to help everyone and people in need, always advancing spiritually and taking into account the 3 aforementioned key axes.
Available courses

The historical origins of Tarot are surrounded by mystery and conjecture.
Divination dates back to ancient times and has been practiced from time immemorial. Much has been said about oracles, clairvoyance, spiritualism, card reading, etc. even before the Roman Empire and ancient Greece.
The origin of Tarot is not clear. Some date its origins during ancient Egypt; others believe that it comes from the East; while others refer to the Middle Ages as the cradle of Tarot. Influences as varied as Greek rites, Gnosticism, Neoplatonism, Hermeticism, Cathars, ancient Arab and Indian philosophies and Jewish Kabbalah (Hebrew mystical system of world conception) have been found amongst the symbols of Tarot.
Some experts suggest that Tarot is very similar to ancient Indian chess, while others state it was created by Jewish Kabbalists in Fez in the year 200.

In all ancient civilizations the world of dreams was considered as a prediction of future and clairvoyance.
In times of Artemidorus Daldianus, from Ephesus, the contents of many dreams that repeated themselves were coded. Artemidorus wrote a book trying to explain the non-psychological mantic will of dreams. He thought dreams could tell the future of people and that they were not mere reflections of a disturbed subconscious.
Surprisingly, the contents of dreams have not changed at all in 2,000 years and they are still being used in psychiatrists' couches nowadays. There is nothing new in the world of dreams. Classic haruspices and Artemidorus left us their science that cannot be attributed to the Freudian psychoanalysts: their science was based on the analysis of a high number of cases and the accumulation of results over generations...
To purchase any of our courses send an email to info@magabeth.com with the attached proof of payment.